50 programmes in total with hundreds of frequencies that can be automated.
There is also the opportunity to programme your own frequencies too.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”BUY NOW!” color=”violet” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fdeta-elis-uk.com%2Fproduct%2Fdevita-mini-ritm%2F|title:DEVITA%20MINI%20RITM|target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row rt_row_background_width=”fullwidth” rt_row_content_width=”default” rt_row_style=”default-style” rt_row_borders=”” rt_row_shadows=”” rt_row_paddings=”true” rt_bg_effect=”classic” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”cover” rt_bg_position=”right top” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll” rt_bg_video_format=”self-hosted”][vc_column rt_column_shadow=”” rt_bg_image_repeat=”repeat” rt_bg_size=”auto auto” rt_bg_attachment=”scroll”][vc_column_text]The Astounding DEVITA MINI RITM is the latest introduction to the family of DEVITA devices and works in the same way as the DEVITA RITM, but with updated features such as:
A total of 50 programmes can be installed onto the DEVITA MINI RITM and each programme can accept up to 50 frequencies. There are also 15 pre-installed programmes covering a vast array of different bodily systems and symptoms.
All the 1,500 programmes for many organ systems are available on the in-built SD card, so the DEVITA MINI RITM does not require the DEINFO USB as does the normal DEVITA RITM device.
So there are approximately 1,500 frequencies that are available for you to programme your device, as well as adding your own frequencies too – see and download the Mini Software Manual below.
These programmes many different physiological systems of the body, as well as many ailments such as:
Chakra centres, energy, anti-stress, circulation, kidney detox, lymphatics, detox, gastric system, metabolism, women’s health, men’s health, heart health, sleep, hormone balance, gut health, joints without pain, joints without inflammation, immunity, cellular respiration, kidney health, prostatitis, vitality, all-body detox, metabolism, blood pressure regulation, insomnia, poisoning, arthritis, normal cardiac rhythm, vision, good mood, wound healing, women’ sexuality, men’s sexuality, exercise, warm-up, allergies, healthy veins, headaches, blood sugar regulation, memory, colds, breathing, skin, hair and nails.
You also have the ability to join programmes together to form COMPLEXES which is easy to run – simply choose the COMPLEX you have created and press the start button and they will all run sequentially one after the other and then the device will switch off automatically as soon as the COMPLEX has completed. This make the device very user friendly!
This new generation MINI RITM suits all people from all walks of life and is a way of maintaining wellness on many different levels of body health simply by choosing the programme complexes you wish to run and clicking the button.
The device is so small that it can literally sit in your pocket whether you are at work or home, or out shopping. It will run for hours at your heart’s content! The batteries are enclosed and are rechargeable, type Li-Po 3.7 V, running for about 20 hours per charge.
The SD card will open up once the device is plugged into your computer using a USB cable supplied. It will only work on a Windows PC, not a MAC computer.
Features of the device
The device includes 15 basic pre-installed complexes consisting of manual and automatic programs. Each user can create their own unique complexes (the whole device can hold up to 50) and has the ability to download new complexes and programs via the SD card installed.Works in 6 languages. Has an LCD display.
The device is so small that it can literally sit in your pocket whether you are at work or home, or out shopping. It will run for hours at your heart’s content!
Apart from the 15 pre-installed programmes on the MINI-RITM, there are 36 additional slots for programming your own additional frequencies.
The pre-installed programmes or complexes include:
15 Pre-installed Complexes
1. General List of programs 1
2. General List of programs 2
3. Heart and circulation
4. Digestion without problems
5. Stop stress
6. Stop insomnia
7. Active immune system
8. Movement without pain
9. Sport performers
10. Clean skin
11. Stop parasites
12. Stop allergy
13. Men’s health
14. Women’s health
15. Body figure
The MINI RITM device should be used in the morning and can be repeated in one day if required. Simply place the device in your pocket or hang it around your neck, with the screen facing your body as the antenna is at the back of the device.
The price of 620 EUROS is inclusive of shipping worldwide!
Download Mini Software Manual – instructions on how to download more programs onto your device
For full guidance and usage of the ready complexes please downLoad the manual
Warning! Bioresonance devices are contraindicated for use by women in the first trimester of pregnancy and by people, who undergone an organ transplantation. In addition, it is not recommended to use the device within the first two months after suffering a myocardial infarction. In case of suffering from serious heart disease, the device must be positioned no closer than 0.5 metres from the body.